Credits and Awards

Written and produced by Julian Crandall Hollick.

Edited and mixed by Peter Storkerson and Dean Cappello.

Introduced by Peter Jennings and announced by Mark Shilling.

Music consultant was Brian Silver of International Music Associates, Inc.

Consultants for the programs were William Graham, Khurshid Ahmed, Ismail Serageldin, Abdullah Omar Naseef, John Esposito, Frederick Denny, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Oleg Grabar, the late Hamid Eneyat, the late Richard Mitchell, Arif Ghayur, Elizabeth Fernea, John Voll, Anwar Ibrahim and Abdurrahman Wahid.

The Executive Producer was Martine L. Crandall-Hollick.

Recorded entirely on location in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, "The World of Islam" was introduced by ABC World News Tonight anchor Peter Jennings.

The original broadcast engineer was Peter K. Storkerson; re-broadcast engineer Dean Cappello. The series is written and reported by Julian Crandall Hollick. It was first broadcast nationally by National Public Radio in 1985, then rebroadcast in 1991.

It has also been broadcast in South Africa, Malaysia, Australia and Pakistan. "The World of Islam," won a National Council of Christians and Jews Award and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's Gold Award for Outstanding Documentary series in 1985.

The World of Islam was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Gold Medal Best Documentary 1985
Fellowship Award National Conference of Christians & Jews 1985

A Complete Way of Life

The Five Pillars of Islam

Muhammad and His Heirs

The Rise & Fall of the Caliphate

The Magnificent Heritage

Decay or Rebirth?

Ismail & Isaac

Resurgent Islam Today

Voices of the Resurgence

The Immigrant Experience

Black Muslims

The Other Face of Eve

Whither Islam?


credits & awards

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