of Islam MP3 Descriptions
A Complete Way of Life
claims to be a blueprint for politics, economics and social
behavior to a far greater extent than other religions. This
program examines the basic elements of Islam and explains why
it is not just a religion, but a complete way of life.
Five Pillars of Islam
Islam saying prayers five times a day? Or is it something much
more, a total cultural experience far more encompassing than
anything we know in the West? This programs explores what it
means to be a Muslim.
of the Resurgence
this program we take a closer look at several of the main revivalist
groups, including the Muslim Brothers, the Pakistani Jama'at-i-Islami
and ABIM (Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia). All have the same
ultimate goal, an Islamic society relevant to the Twenty-First
in America: The Immigrant Experience
Muslims first came to the United States in the
1890s. This program examines what it is like to be a Muslim
in American society. |
and His Heirs
program examines the life and character of Muhammad, the founder
of Islam, as well as the immediate succession and the origins
of the Sunni-Shi'a split within the Islamic world.
Rise & Fall of the Caliphate
program explores the extraordinary rise of the Islamic Caliphate
empire and its decay ending in the abolition of the Caliphate
by Kemal Ataturk in 1924. |
in America: Black Muslims
program looks at the growth of Islam among Afro-Americans and
the radical division existing in "Black Islam" between
the Nation of Islam and the American Muslim Mission.
The Other Face of Eve
This program examines the many different human conditions
within the Muslim world, the effect of Islam on women and their
rights and the influence of traditional patriarchal values throughout
the Islamic world. |
Magnificent Heritage: The Golden Age of Islamic Civilization
Arabic numerals and abstract design are the products of a golden
Islamic civilization without which the modern Renaissance might
never have taken place. This program explores that Golden Age,
c. 800-1500, and the arts and sciences that it produced and
or Rebirth: The Plight of Islamic Art Today
This program examines whether it is possible for the Muslim
artist or scientist of today to work within his or her Islamic
heritage or if markets and patronage dictate abandoning that
heritage in favor or Western styles and tastes.
Islam: The Future of Islam
program explores recent measures to introduce Islamic values
and institutions into society in Egypt, Pakistan and the Sudan,
and asks whether Islam can be relevant to the problems of the
Twenty-First Century.
& Isaac
centuries, Muslims and Christians have been fighting each other.
Even today, there is much mistrust and prejudice on either side.
In this program, Muslims express their viewpoint on this often-strained
relationship and what might be done to improve it.
Islam Today
past few years have seen another worldwide resurgence in the
Islamic world. This program explores what is happening in the
Islamic world, what the real causes of this resurgence are and
what it means for us in the West. |