India is a land of countless diversities and endless paradoxes - an unique kaleidoscope of people, religions, sounds, smells and stories.
Apna Street stories about the lives of a community of paement dwellers on apna Street in central Mumbai (Bombay) - grassroots development that works. NPR Weekend Edition Sunday.

Monsoon living through the 1996 Monsoon on the banks of the Ganga.

Passages to India a ten part documentary series exploring ten ways of understanding modern India (NPR). Life in an India Village four documentaries covering two weeks in the life of the littlet village of Jitvapur in Bihar, northern India (WGBH-Boston).
Calcutta six programs about the city of Kolkata and three great Bengalis - Tagore, Santidev Ghose, Satyajit Ray (NPR) The Environment in India: 6 stories about the Narmada Dam, Green Revolution, Chipko Movement and the Kerala prawn fisheries (NPR)
Ganga: a series of features and documentaries about the culture and ecology of the river Ganges Portraits: Four cameos of Indian artists, musicians and organizations.

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