Ibrahim al-Moussawi
facilitator & interpreter

Ibrahim in Beirut, Lebanon

          Ibrahim is one of the best informed people with regards to political events on the ground in Lebanon and the Arab World. Born in Baalbeck, Lebanon, he holds three degrees from the Lebanese University and the American University of Beirut, and is currently preparing a Ph.D. at Birmingham University on Islam and Democracy in Iran and Turkey. A former headmaster, Ibrahim for many years hosted a political talk show at Manar TV (Beirut), where he is now Chief Editor of the English news bulletins. He also writes for the Daily Star and has been a commentator for CNN, ABC, and CBS. Mr. Moussawi has worked extensively with us arranging and interpreting interviews and is extremely tolerant of Julian's idiosyncratic ways and ideas. Julian, in turn, looks the other was when Ibrahim launches into his Italian version of French!

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