Water Quality Home Page
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The Ganga Action Plan 20
Years Later
Varanasi and Kanpur
Link to audio clips
The Indian government
has long recognized the pollution of
At the festivals of
Kumbh Mela at the Allahabad millions bathe in the waters of Ganga with no
apparent ill-effects despite the inflows of raw sewage, industrial wastes,
agricultural run-off and a host of pollutants that cause the western tourist
to pale at the prospect of immersion in the water. Yet, there is no evidence of any
significant health risk associated with this exposure. The Indian people generally do not believe
that the river is polluted although they are aware of the constant inflow of
pollutants along the course of the river. There have been suggestions that
there exist conditions in the
Classroom activities:
Using bioassessment and indicator pollutants to examine water quality